Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Julia!!!

Happy Birthday Julia!!!
Today is my friend's birthday.  She's the same age as I am (so no need to mention any numbers, although she's so cool she probably wouldn't even care). 
Julia has been my friend for over 20 years.  She has awesome parents, and cool sister and a very spirited brother (just like me!).

Julia's request this year was that instead of everyone posting birthday wishes on her FB wall we all choose a word that describes her & Take a picture holding a sign with that word *or* acting that word out.
I think that's a fabulous idea!!  I see many many people stealing it and using it from now on! 
I immediately knew what word I wanted to use.


Julia has always led a very open life.  She has always been a very open person.  Of course she went through her moody teenage years like the rest of us, but she maintained her openness throughout that phase. 
She is a smart, helpful, loving mother as well. 
She is doing something similar to this for her son's birthday coming up this month.  We are all sending Postcards to him and she will put them together in a book for him to treasure always.  Isn't that an awesome idea??

Anyways.  I admire Julia and her very open life.  She never shuns anyone that questions her and she remains calm (for the most part) and gives people the chance to expand their understanding of the world through her. 
I wish that we could have remained closer friends since high school, but, alas - life happens.
So, for now, I can only offer this.
My picture of her unique openness outside in the windy rain
(which MJ had to get into at the last minute).

1 comment:

  1. S, I thought the picture was great already...but this blog post makes it even better. It's hard to stay connected to folks when we become so far flung...please know you are always an important person in my life, even through distance and time. :) Hugs to you!
