Friday, November 23, 2012

Christmas Crafting

Christmas Crafting Has Begun!!!

We save our egg cartons for friends with chickens but the pile was getting really BIG!  I had to do something with them!!  I had bug search for a Christmas craft online, but I wasn't excited about any of them.  I knew I wanted to have MJ make a Christmas tree, I just had to figure out how.  
We got out the egg cartons and started cutting while Bug got out the paints. I started stacking and figured it all out & then the girls started painting.
You can barely see the result in the picture, but trust me - it's cute!  When Dad is distracted with a new game don't ask him to take a picture of the the baby and her tree!
In the midst of trying to figure out how to stack the pieces I discovered that we had no glue!  UGH!!!
Internet to the rescue once again!  I found a great recipe for toddler safe home made glue!  This saved the day!!  I even added a bit of green food coloring since I know we will be using it mostly for Christmas Crafts!  The result was fabulous!

1 comment:

  1. Smart gal, reminds me of your Mother and I in our younger days when we had to come up with things for Christmas. The picture is adorable. Could hug her to pieces. Love you all. Aunt Carol
